Viewing Order Status

Working orders are displayed on the DOMTrader, like this:

Description: cqgt ord status 1


Hover your mouse over the blue information icon to see order details:

Description: cqgt ord status





Description: cqgt stacked


Stacked orders are multiple working orders (possibly of different types) placed on the same side of the market for the same price. Double-click the stacked order icon to see the details for individual orders. You can also press [+] on your numeric keyboard. Pressing [-] closes the details.

Description: cqgt filled


An order changes its status to filled after the server receives notification from the exchange that the order has been filled. A filled order is visually represented by the quantity and a checkmark.

Description: cqgt part filled

Partially Filled

A partially filled order is a working order with only some of the requested quantity filled. This is visually represented by black quantity text for the working orders and gray text in parenthesis for the filled quantity.